09 - Redundancy & Denormalization
Whoa. The actual title is far too long: "Methodology - Monitoring and Tuning the Operational System Transperancies."
Denormalization: Putting the Anomalies Back
- Meaning of denormalization
- When to denormalize to improve performance
- Importance of monitoring and tuning the operational system. (note: look@ index first for performance issues)
Step 8 - Consider the introduction of Controlled Redundancy
To determine whether introducing redundancy in a controlled manner by relaxing the normalization rules will improve the performance of the system.- Result of normalization is a logical database design that is structurally consistant and has minimal redundancy.
- However, sometimes a normalized database design does not provide maximum processing efficiently.
- It may be necessary to accept the loss of some of the benefits of a fully normalized design in favor of performance.
- Also consider that denormalization:
- Makes implementation more comlplex
- Often sacrifices flexibility
- May speed up retrievals, but it slows down updates
- Consider denormalization in the following situations, specifically to speed up frequent or critical transactions:

- Combining 1:1 relationships
- Duplicating non key attributes in 1:* relationships to reduce joins
- Duplicating foreign key attributes in 1:* relationships to reduce joins
- Duplicating attributes in *:* relationships to reduce joins
- Introducing repeating groups
- Merging lookup tables with base relations
- Creating extract tables
- Reports can access derived data and perform multi-relation joins on the same set of base relations. However, data the report is based on may be relatively static or may not have to be current.
- Possible to create single, highly denormalized extract table based on the relations required by reports, and allow the users to access extract table directly insted of using base relations.
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