3 level archictecture

logical data independence: Adding or removing new entities, attributes, or realationships shouldn't mess with existing external schema's or make changing applications necessary.
physical data independence: Changing the internal schema should be possible with out changing the conceptual/external schemas.

Referential Integrity: If a foriegn key exists in a relation the value of teh foreign key must match the candidate dey in the home relation.
Entity Integrity: In a base relation no attribute of a primary key can be null.
Data Definition Language: Describes + names entities attributes and relationships plus associated integrity and security constraints.
Data Manipulation Language(DML): Provides a set of operations to support the basic data manipulation operations (inserting, modifying, retrieving, and deleting data) on the database.
Procedural DML: Lets the user state what data is needed and how to get it.
Non procedural DML: Lets the user state what data is needed, but not how to get it.
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